Air Gate

Galactica Air Gate

A commonly used phrase by roller coaster enthusiasts is Air Gate. These are the gates in roller coaster stations that prevent riders from walking in front of the roller coaster train when its not stationery at the ride station. The name is based on the fact that the gates are often controlled using air pressure.


Alternatives to Air Gates

Calling them “air gates” implies that they are air operated, which may not always be the case. Alternatives include manually operated gates, spring-loaded gates with magnetic catches, motor actuated gates, and on rare occasion no gates at all. Often on rides where no air gates are present riders are prevented from entering the station platform until the train is stationary.


An Additional Ride Safety Feature

Air Gates often act as a safety feature, linked to the rides control unit they prevent the roller coaster train from being dispatched until they are closed. In addition to this the air gates will not open until the train is stationary in the roller coaster station.

Revolution at Blackpool Pleasure Beach is an example of a roller coaster ride with no air gates.


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Air Gate was last modified: June 29th, 2024 by Dan

Author: Dan

I am passionate about Theme Parks and Attractions. I love riding roller coasters and thrill rides. With two young boys I understand how expensive family days out can be and this was one of the main driving forces behind Attractions Near me. My aim is to help you and your friends enjoy some great days out without costing the earth. Thanks for reading and have a great time - Regards Dan

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